Sunday, 14 May 2017

"Worst Ever I Have Seen! Memalukan...Hos Mengecewakan" Komen Pedas Dari Chef Wan Tentang ABPBH

"Worst Ever I Have Seen! Memalukan...Hos Mengecewakan" Komen Pedas Dari Chef Wan Tentang ABPBH

Masih lagi berbicara tentang Anugerah Bintang Paling Popular yang berlangsung semalam.

Umum mengetahui, Anugerah Bintang Popular ini pernah diangkat antara anugerah yang paling berprestijsatu masa dulu.

Namun ianya seperti kurang menyerlah sejak kebelakangan ini.

Sememangnya banyak yang memperkatakan tentang kehambaran anugerah pada malam semalam yang berlangsung di PICC.

Antara yang lantang berbicara tentang majlis Anugerah Bintang Paling Popular ialah chef selebriti, Dato Chef Wan.

Memang banyak yang dikritik oleh Chef Wan sepanjang majlis ini. Tetapi komen dan kritikan dari Chef Wan ini banyak mendapat sokongan dari para followernya.

Jom baca komen-komen dari Chef Wan


Watching anugerah Abp tonight.
Hee hee saya di calun Chef Celebrity Terbaik online last 3 yrs and won sekali lepas tu dah tak ada lagi percalunan itu lagi sampai hari ini untuk chef celebrity yg lain2 pula sampai hari ini.
They introduced it once lepas tu terus lenyap aja and i am still wondering why ABP stop that percalunan sampai hari ini?
Eee Ifah Raziah pi angkat sembah Ku Putih tu apa hal?
I do find these days watching all this awards and entertainment show tiba2 di dominated by too overwhelming of all this products then just dominated all this airing time and they can go on and on.
Years ago tak pula mcm ni.
Indeed we are living in a world of what we say " Money talk la"
Suka hati aku la.


Congrats to Fazura for winning the best Actress for film di ABP tonight.
She always dress so well, classy and stylish.
Syg mlm ni so many pakaian host to some award winners dan guests nampak semak dan just too much.
Tak faham why some of our Malay fashion designers ini tak boleh dress all this celebrities simple and fashionable.
Its not just mlm ni even in so many others anugerah yg tak ada thema pun.
Ada yg dah mcm bersalut di belakang tu dgn jaring ikan pun ada dah mcm Superman nak terbang si Zulin.
Even Baju Siti N yg biru di belakang tu sarat dgn kain beropol ropol.
Make up terlebih dah mcm pipi tu kena sepak pulak!
Ada mcm jln tu menyerik tirai langsir rumah yg tersangkut pada baju tu pun ada! Eeee....
Mau pun baju Kak Ogy tu.
Dah mcm baju mengadung pun ia dan yg naik ke pentas sendat mcm sarong Nangka belakang rumah emak i di atas pokok Nangka tu!
Tapi dah thema pulak futuristic and this must be our Msian designer interpretation la agaknya.

Kesian ramai jadi fashion victim la pulak tonight.
Ehhh kita dah jadi mcm fashion Police pulak mlm ni nanti ramai pula yg menyumpah kita mlm ni kan.
Baik apa pun i still have good taste for women that dress well mcm juga saya faham ID rumah juga.
If u got good taste and class its all there honey jika tidak faham2 sudah la.
Kesian pulak sampai Kak Ogy kena paksa guests di dalam dewan tu untuk menepuk tangan.
I think ramai juga yg rasa bosan dgn all this endless products placement dah mcm tak kesudahan mau pun penuntun di rumah tu yg crowd excitement pun jatuh menjunam.
This year Anugerah ABP is just horrible and a drag.
If they do continue too much of all this i am not surprise one day they will loose all their loyal viewers.
Saya sendiri will not watch this anymore next year....membosan kan and a waste of my precious time!
Yes like most of u yg buat comments di sini being popular does not mean sesaorang itu berbakat besar.
Dah nama pun Bintang Popular yg vote pun peminat2 mereka so rasa saya berbakat besar or not tidak menjadi hal at all.
Yg tak popular tu duduk diam2 ya.
Kau Ado? Kan Fatah...
Congrats tu Fatah dan fans2 dia.
Likewise to All winners tonight tahniah.



Love Dayang performance last night at ABP.
What a disppointing night to watched ABP semlm with alot of kelemahan yg perlu di perbaiki jika mereka mahu peminat setia yg bertahun lamanya to still watch that so call anugerah yg berprestige tu.
Biasa la orang Melayu kita ni apabila di tegur untuk improvement of the overall event semlm akan melenting balik dan menuduh kita viewers out there PHD la etc.
They cannot think out side of the box to be creative and instead apa yg kita melihat semlm sejujur jujur nya and i am sure many of u juga setuju esp those yg boleh berfikir dgn baik dan positive it is tahap kampongan to the max!
Worst ever i have seen.! Memalu kan.
First thing is i feel disgusted why is that each time some one sponsor a TV event that they are allowed to monopolised and promote their products sampai kan tiada batasannya yg boleh menganggu concentration penuntun yg akhirnya menjadi kan kita rasa menyampah dan meloya kan nak terus melihat siaran tersebut?
Just because they have money to sponsor the show does not mean mereka boleh buat sesuka hati mereka ?
Isnt there a guideline for TV station as to how much of that shit can go on air with out having the penuntun di rumah felt disgusted and annoyed?
I honestly felt the right of us as the public viewers is seriously violated!
There is one thing about placing Ads on TV that is tasteful or di sebaliknya.
Yes no doubt there some people who can watch all this saga and laughed at how stupid, silly the way things are being staged and could not care less but there also others out there that find this whole thing intimidated and a complete turn off!
Teguran ini tiada kena mengena dgn how much orang Melayu dah kaya nak buat duit as lantak kau orang la kan but that TV show is also watched by the public and there must be some way that the organiser can show some respect to the penuntun di rumah and not get carried away like last night.
Ramai jugak orang2 Melayu di Malaysia ini yg kaya raya dan ada class!
Just because u have money does not mean u rule this world
and have abit of common sense and class la!
I also find the 3 host semlm mengecewakan.They just went on and on...u know what i mean kan.

Apapun ABPBH kali ini berjalan dengan lancar dengan banyak persembahan hebat dari para artis.

Semoga tahun hadapan lebih ditambah baik lagi.

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